Discovery Call

Watch this video to get started.

Apply For The Exclusive 1:1 Immersion
  • Deepen the feminine sensuality and magnetism, making you absolutely irresistible to the world around you.
  • Cultivate practices and habits to feel young, excited and full of life again instead of a worn down, tired successful “adult” 
  • Rise above burnout by creating strong personal and professional boundaries with your well-being as the centre point.
  • Reintegrate the feminine parts of you that you left behind in pursuit of your career, financial success and status. 
  • Tap back into the feminine wisdom and ease to let things come to you, to get what you want, rather than forced brute discipline. 


  • Deepen the feminine sensuality and magnetism, making you absolutely irresistible to the world around you.
  • Rise above burnout by creating strong personal and professional boundaries with your wellbeing as the centre point.
  • Let go of the control, and learn to delegate wisely so you have time to fulfill your deepest desires. 
  • Cultivate practices and habits to feel young, excited and full of life again instead of a worn down, tired successful “adult” 
  • Reintegrate the feminine parts of you that you left behind in pursuit of your career, financial success and status. 
  • Tap back into the feminine wisdom and ease to let thing come to you, to get what you want, rather than forced brute discipline. 
Apply For VIP 1:1 immersion

I know intimately what it feels like to be a highly driven woman, juggling multiple roles of a mother, a professional artist and a successful business owner! Achieving like no tomorrow, but struggling to RECEIVE WITH GRACE and effortlessness. 

Till I realised that NO amount of money, comfort, or outer achievements would truly give me the peace, confidence and radiance I desire, I had to have a brutally honest inner conversation. Then I shifted the paradigm and stepped into HAVING IT ALL through the goddesses and as a goddess.

And now I am committed to guiding you to rise in your radiant feminine power. Together, we'll realign your mind, body, and soul, crafting the perfect vessel for your divine purpose and passion. Say goodbye to hyper-masculine mode, ceaseless inner battle, and the habit of second-guessing your desire to have IT ALL. It's time to step forward in your sensuality, grace beauty and purpose. 

Apply To Live Your Most Delicious Life Yet!


I am an intuitive coach and trained Vedic counselor. I will help you fall in love with life and live it to its full potential. A deep sense of knowing that will hold you through the ups and downs of this world.

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